Sunday, December 1, 2019


After using RXTX for a number of different projects, I've come across many annoying discrepancies and issues that can only sensibly be put down to bugs in the library - deadlocks, race hazards, and monitor threads deep in the RXTX library being left open preventing the program from closing even though all ports I was using have been closed! At least I think that now this SO question has all of the worth mentioning serial communication java libraries. Add to the fact I have multiple serial ports to monitor it's really straining the resources and increasing system latency. On the upside is I can connect across a network without anything more than changing the IP address I connect to. This seems to be doing the job well for the moment and appears to contain the native libraries it needs within, another plus. Michael Berry Michael Berry There's a few of them out there now, now that Arduino is pretty popular. api rxtx java

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Improving the question-asking experience. Thank you for your interest in this question.

Really consider other options. Making it easier to speak geek on the web - Font Mfizz v2. Alexey Shmalko 3, 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 33 33 bronze badges. However, both the event API and also the read methods with timeout paramter make use of busy loops Thread.

Tested the x86 and x64 versions with Windows, and Vista Rxtz. The following statement below is an example:.

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If you include any of the builds in your own personal or commercial application, please make sure to at least provide a note of thanks to Fizzed, Inc. For more information see: Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. On the upside is I can connect across a network without anything more than changing the IP address I connect to.

Is there another library that anyone's tried with more luck? I don't need parallel port support, just serial, and it doesn't necessarily have to be compatible with RXTX or the javax.

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We use it for modem interactions. Tested the x86 and x64 versions with x86 and x64 versions of CentOS 5. For now, it works on windows and linux systems.

Therefore, builds for Linux are also included to be consistent with the Windows binaries. I just pulled out RXTX and integrated serial-comm into my apl in about half an hour. At least I think that now qpi SO question has all of the worth mentioning serial communication java libraries.

It is really annoying. Michael Berry Michael Berry We love the service and think you would too.

api rxtx java

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. RXTX is a mess. Caveats Builds are based on recent CVS snapshots. After using RXTX for a number of different projects, I've come across many annoying discrepancies and issues rxxtx can only sensibly be put down to bugs in the library - deadlocks, race hazards, and monitor threads deep in the RXTX library being left open preventing the program from closing even though all ports I was using have been closed!

RXTX is a great package, but it was lacking pre-built binaries for x64 bit versions of Windows.

api rxtx java

This means that the port closes 3 sec after the close method was executed. If you installed the bit version of the JDK, then install the x64 build.

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Add to the fact I have multiple serial ports to monitor it's really straining the resources and increasing system latency. Serial-comm, by contrast, is clean and well-documented. The x86 and x64 versions are native and do not rely on any other non-standard windows libraries.

api rxtx java

Mike Mike 2, 3 3 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 25 25 bronze badges. Stork v2 is out! PureJavaComm is very good and free. There's a few of them out there now, now that Arduino is pretty popular.

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