Monday, November 25, 2019


How do we handle problem users? Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Starting with ProB 1. This is the standard location for third-party or built from source frameworks, including the ActiveTcl releases. This ActiveTcl release is the first release based on the final 8. Install the latest ActiveTcl 8. Pythoninstallers have all the libraries you need for tkinter graphics. activetcl

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Tk Source Code: View Ticket

Aqua Carbon variants of Tk 8. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. You can download our nightly integration build from here. A set of preinstalled packages like in ActiveTcl actietcl. TkTreeCtrl updated atcivetcl 1. In any case, check the warnings in the link specially those related with different compatibilities of 32bit and 64bit systems and distributions.

Bounty program for improvements to Tcl and certain Tcl packages.


Zipfile with probcli 32bitZipfile with probcli 64bit. Revision history - updated for 2.

Attach Edit New Ticket Plaintext. Hey I am new to python development and just figured out which version of ActiveTcl works with my version of python and my OS. Actievtcl Revision as of How do we handle problem users? Graphviz for Mac OS X. I would like to know if there is any other place on the site or on the web where ActiveTcl is available for free download or whether ActiveTcl 8. This issue seems to have been fixed in version 8.

Potentional incompatibility Expect 5. Aqua Cocoa Tk A newer native implementation available as a universal bit and bit binary.

Actjvetcl you mean in idle?. Instead, install a newer version of Python that supports a newer version of Tk.

IDLE and tkinter with Tcl/Tk on Mac OS X |

If you are interested in still earlier releases, please have a look at the Download directory. Important If you are using Python from a python. I went on the ActiveTcl website following the link from activetc. The three options given are Keep the existing repository and ignore the activftcl repository.

This release should be deployed in a production environment after extensive testing only. While the Python installers downloadable from this website do not support Aqua Cocoa Tk 8. I'm not a Mac user. This is the standard location for third-party or built from source frameworks, including the ActiveTcl releases. References to a specific version of Tk assume the corresponding version of Tcl is installed as well.


Starting with Python 3. This page was generated in about 0. When placed side-by-side, it's pretty clear that Tk is adjusting colors incorrectly. Fixed problem with them not able to run on Ubuntu 7. Pythoninstallers have all the libraries you need for tkinter graphics.

IDLE and tkinter with Tcl/Tk on Mac OS X

In the end, I decided to use the screenshot from the Tk gradient to build a LUT that can workaround the bug. For recent Python installers for Mac OS X downloadable from this website, here is a summary of current recommendations followed by more detailed information.

I have MAC

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